Sunday, December 9, 2007

I'm back : Part II

Ok, so I know I said last May that I was returning to the fantastic world of Blogger to spread the random synapses of knowledge otherwise known as my brain. Since it has been a good half year since my last post, I figure it would be best that I bring ya'll up to speed. Over the past six months I have literally thrown my life into a whole new world of craziness. I quit my position at the lab, spent a month doing the lazy bum thing, and returned to school. During such time, I also came across through a mutual friend, a position working as a Crew Leader for a local landscaping firm which happened to be owned by a old buddy. Not bad! At this time I still continue to be single, although there is a particular someone I may be interested in. The only thing is that this girl is very talented at leaving me confused. I don't know if she realizes these mixed signals, but I'm willing to see what the future holds. Well folks, I just ran out of things to say so I'm outta here for the evening...