Sunday, December 20, 2009

When life ends, it literally goes down the toilet...

As some of you may know, I got fish. Well yesterday was a sad day as there were two casualties after all my rainbow shark started dying immediately following a routine water change. To be honest, I cannot tell you what may have caused it. I've done this a billion times, and they have been through this a billion times. After a couple hours all but two of the shark snapped out of it. One of my rainbow had jumped out and was found about 10 feet away in the living room. The other was the red tail, which has always had issues with health. Crazy thing about the red tail is that he actually was improving quite well, then suddenly you could see he was in bad shape. Oh well... So long guys.

Rainbow Shark
Red Tailed Shark

On a happier note, Jim, Mike and Mel, Jared, Dad, and I all went to see Avatar yesterday. All I can say is be careful about that drink, because 2 hours into the 3 hour movie it came back to haunt me with a vengeance. I regretfully stand up and felt the effects of the 3-D or the darkness or sitting, I'll never know, but as soon as I stood up and stated making my way down the isle, I instantly lost my balance and almost fell over the row ahead of me, only to step on Jared's popcorn, and a few poor people's feet as I bumbled down the row. When I got back I then came across another fun adventure that was a first. Ever walk into a full 3-D movie theatre looking for your party? Not simple when everybody looks the same with those big goofy glasses in the dark.

Oh well, Avatar was hands down amazing. Can't wait until it comes out. Go see it in 3-D IMAX while you can.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What will be will be...

Whoever it was that put the idea in my head as a kid that I need to create a plan for my life and stick to said plan needs to be kicked in the pants. When does life EVER go as it is planned? For those who know me, you'll know that I'm a true Houstonian. I was raised there and by golly, I wanna die there. Recently, however, I've been assisting my brother with the setup and administration of his practice in Dallas.
This position was originally meant to last as a one-week favor which sorta evolved into a year-long investment.

As some may know, I have decided to return to school and pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. My goal was to return to Houston this Spring and jump right back in. Problem is, is that I don't have a job down there. Hmm... Well I found out that a company here in Dallas is potentially interested in me. :/ At the same time, my Dad has just been assigned to work with the young single adults' activities program with our church. This makes things interesting for me... My departure from Houston ended my assignment working with the activities for the young single adults for past 3 years, so I now find myself becoming involved in his assignment as well.

We'll see how things go.

Now time for a bit of a rant... WHAT IS IT WITH APPLE!? That company is retarded. My old computer died this summer causing me to lose my entire musical library consisting of a few thousand songs. I realize that they should have been backed up, but my external hard drive is currently in Houston, and I let it slip. After the computer was repaired, I found I was able to receive a massive download of all my iTunes purchases free of charge. This was good. What's bad is if we fast forward a few months till now, we would discover that again, my computer has suddenly began to die on me. I began transferring documents over to my new computer, and accidentally permanently deleted the folder with ALL of my iTunes music inside. (I understand that sounds silly and moronic, but you would have had to just been there or do it yourself). I just checked and found out that as part of iTunes, you may only download files once, and that you may be charged to regain lost files.

How the heck does that make sense?! We're not talking about physical tangible objects, this is data with an account of all purchases made by the owner. I bought them. I paid my dollars. They are mine. I didn't buy files only to have then technically loaned to me. I'll talk to Apple, but they have already lost my business.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Money. Such a stupid part of our life. Completely overrated, a pain in the butt when ya don't have enough, yet pretty handy when we have enough of it, and potentially destructive when we have too much of it.

What really makes life interesting is when timing is impacted by money. As we know by earlier posts I wound up in the hospital after a life-threatening injury. All that costs money, and in my case as somebody who did not posess health insurance at the time, it adds up to a LOT of money. Over $20,000 to be exact. To add to this I got bills yo'!

Well, we'll skip that for now, but I would like to tell ya a bit of what's been goin' on lately. This month I've been able to resolve close to $18,000 worth of the medical bills thanks to the hospital approving me for a charity loan, thus writing me off and forgiving me of my debt.

THANK YOU FREE-MARKET!!! Prime example of how universal healthcare is not needed and private organizations prevail to benefit the lives of others.

Anyways, the main chunk of the debt is gone, I'd love to work on that sucker and pay the rest of it off to be done with it once and for all. I'd gladly do so if it weren't for all the other crap that costs money until then.

As if I had nothing to kill my wallet, my transmission decided to poo out recently ($$$!!!), I needed some new clothes for work ($$$), contacts ($$$), Christmas presents ($$$), and to add insult to injury, my noble computer for the past 5 years suffered a catestrophic blow when the harddrive suddently died while installing an update. :(

That was REAL bad. I kinda rely a bunch on my computer, so to have suddenly go "thpppppt" was a super slap to the face.

Oh well. It's all good. As long as we keep a good attitude about it, we'll realize that it's only money and somehow, we'll be ok in the end.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So close and yet so far...

It is an entire month after I ordered my mount and yet I still do not have it within my possession. I have discovered that it is STILL just sitting all packaged up on a loading dock waiting for White Santa to just bring it to me. I am sad because somebody is sleepin on the job.

I guess tomorrow I'm going to have to put on my mean face, because this is absolutely ridiculous. I've worked in shipping before and I know for a fact that when you have a scheduled pickup, it's not that hard to hand over a 3 lb. package to a dude who simply just scans it and by golly-heebie-jeepers... imagine that, it's off to it's proper destination.

Grr... I need a cookie.