Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkeys and Zombies

Before you see another word, I'm just gotta start off by saying "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!" Hopefully it was a good one.

We had a typical Turkey Day, just went over to my Dad's and ate until we collapsed on the couch and watched the Dallas Cowboys slaughter the Oakland Raiders. After all was said and done I went to my brother's house to help move some boxes and test out his media room since it now has ambient lighting. The best way to properly do so is by playing some Left 4 Dead 2. Great game. :D

Pretty much it's the same thing as the origional Left 4 Dead, only harder, more zombies, new characters and a wider variety of "toys" to battle infected scum. Apparently, in this story, the plot is based on 4 other survivors who are left behind as they watch rescue helicopters leave without them, forcing the heroes to blast, chop, and even chainsaw (yes I said chainsaw) their way to safety. Very fun game, but I wouldn't let little kids play or watch.

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